I'm sorry to do it, but I am about to commit a major fashion blog faux pas: post the same outfit worn on a different day, within just a few weeks of one another. I absolutely love this wiggle dress that I bought from ASOS and I had to wear it to this 1920's party I went to on New Years Eve. It's a lot more Joan from Mad Men than '20s flapper, but it was the best I could do for our last minute NYE plans.
I love my new sparkly flats from Nine West. They are this beautiful iridescent glitter, full of dark blues, purples, and silver.
2012 was a challenging but exciting year.
I accomplished one of my lifelong dreams: I finally moved to NYC. I said goodbye to all my friends and family, and my amazing students who mean the world to me, my old school and all my wonderful coworkers, hopped in a Uhaul and moved to the Big Apple all by my lonesome.
It's been one of the hardest but also most exciting years of my life. It's been lonely sometimes, yet also filled with joy and love. I've seen much beauty but also darkness. However, no matter if I've been up or down, I have boundless gratitude for all the wonderful blessings in my life and there are many. Happy New Year!