Monday, August 6, 2012

#38 - A Special Request: PRETTY PLEASE

As you may or may not know, education is REALLY, really important to me. The academic achievement gap in America has expanded to be mind-blowing large-- this ultimately meaning that American children in poverty, especially children of color, are performing much lower on standardized tests and other academic skills than their middle to upper class counterparts. This is not the fault of the children, but rather our infuriatingly inequitable educational system that does not properly serve the needs of children who live in poverty. Low expectations for these children creates low results. Fortunately, there are solutions.

For the past two years, I worked in a college prepatory charter school in Columbus, Ohio serving approximately 300 students with 85% of students living in high poverty. My school outperformed Columbus Public schools on most of the standardized tests in 5th-8th grade. It earned the EPIC Award which is a national teaching award for outstanding growth in one year, winning the school approximately $30,000. My school was the only effectively rated school in the Linden community in Columbus. It's an amazing school and is doing amazing things for that community.

Today, I ask you to please help my former employer, earn $10,000 from Target. IT ONLY TAKES 10 SECONDS OF YOUR TIME AND COSTS NO MONEY.

2. Allow the app to access your Facebook.
3. Vote for KIPP.
4. You can delete the app immediately (your vote will still count) by going to your Facebook, clicking Account Settings --> Apps --> and then delete the Target app.
5. Please leave a comment if you voted so I can give you a shout out on my next blog post and link back to your blog. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

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