I'm loving being home for the holidays. I got to be with my family in Cleveland, and now I'm hanging out with my best friends in Columbus. It's so rejuvenating to be back with the ones you love the most. I'm looking forward to being in NYC for a more extended period of time and really having close relationships there. I think that's the hardest part about moving-- you get a fresh start, which is beautiful and something I desperately needed, but sometimes you feel disconnected from the people around you. I'm sort of that super awkward person that's like, "Hey! I like you! You seem cool! Wanna be best friends now? Like right this second?" That kind of 0 to 60 relationship doesn't seem to work for everyone... guess that's the Ohio naiveté in me. Okay, end rant.

Pardon the web cam photos but I was flying solo last night! I started using this new strategy on my makeup where you used your eyeliner only on the upper lash line to get some very subtle but very flattering eye definition. I nabbed this trick from
The Beauty Department, which refers to this tip as the "No Liner Liner." TBD is one of my favorite beauty blogs for tips-- I think it turned out great and my eyes look really defined but subtle.
My hair used to be about 5 inches longer than this and I got it cut-- at first I freaked out (anyone who's had long hair their whole life knows what I'm talking about), but now that I see how much the natural curl has come back, I'm super grateful. All that length was really weighing my wave down!
DRESS Skater Dress with Lace Peter Pan Collar, ASOS Curve | TIGHTS Polka Dot Tights, Forever 21+ | SHOES Spiky Cap Toe Flats, Sam Edelman | GLASSES Green Spectaculars, Fabulous Fannies in the East Village, NYC
Please enjoy laughing at me re: the pictures above. I was using Photo Booth on my computer and as you know if you have that app, you literally have 3 seconds to snap the pic. Therefore, I was running back and forth like a weirdo trying to get shots of my entire outfit, which provided nearly impossible, unless I made some awkward ballerina poses or bent down in a weird pooping position. Clearly, I am awesome!
These Peter Pan dress from ASOS is one of the favorites in my wardrobe. It's a little big and blousy, but the color is so vibrant and I love the lace collar so much. ASOS Curve has it in red (on sale for $50), mustard (on sale for $35), and cobalt.
Also, I am on the hunt for some amazing wide-calf boots. I feel like my calves aren't that wide (maybe 17"?), but I can't seem to get anything to zip over these babies! Anyone have a good source for any wide calf boots? I was at Macy's and ALDO today and I was sorely disappointed. However, my awesome step-mom got me a gift certificate to Sephora for my birthday so my crankiness quickly subsided after I bought a Boscia skin care sampler, matte red lipstick, and moss green liquid eyeliner! I can't wait to share these products with you in a future entry! Happy New Year!