Good evening, babely babes of the internet! I am really stoked and flattered to have received "The Versatile Blogger Award" from the lovely CL at Curvy Ladies Rule. Thanks CL! You are awesome!
Okay, here are the rules:
- Thank the Blogger who nominated you.
- Include a link to their site.
- Include the award image in your post.
- Give 7 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate other Bloggers for the award.
- When nominating, include a link to their site.
- Let other Bloggers know they have been nominated.
Seven Random Facts

I can play like 5 instruments pretty mediocrely.
However, I'm decent at guitar and I love to write songs.

I can pound down some sushi. It's my favorite food. Spicy tuna rolls are LOVE.

I have been to Berlin more times than I can count.
I have an awesome German boyfriend who hopefully will be moving to the US soon!

I am the silliest, goofiest, weirdest person on the planet.
I love making weird faces and doing funny voices to try to make people laugh.

Halloween is my FAVORITE FAVORITE holiday. Borderline obsessive.
My best costumes recently have been a Clockwork Orange lady, Poison Ivy, and Jessica Rabbit.

I used to dye my hair black. YIKES.

I love sharks but I'm absolutely terrified of deep water. And heights.
And the nominees are...
Minipenny - I have been following this girl for a long time way back when we both lived in a little place called Columbus, Ohio. This gorgeous gal with two-tone hair writes from Chicago, and her blog is filled with amazing outfit posts, cool fashion meets cinema features, and creative DIYs. I am so proud of her because her blog has brought her so much success and opportunities. She is all about body acceptance and she is sassy as hell! Love her!
They Like Me Better Blond - I just think this girl is downright beautiful. Her blond hair is absolutely perfect and her outfits are so bright and colorful. I think her style and mine have a lot in common.
Bonjour Gazel - Gazel has great style and she is a devoted blogger. So many outfit posts! I love that I can always check out her blog and see something new. She is a super outspoken member of the fat acceptance movement and I really admire and respect her. Not to mention she's one of the sweetest, cutest girls in the world!
Hippopotamuslee - She is just cute as pie and seriously one of most creative, talented, and artistic people I've followed online. I love her nail posts, her art, and her style!
Sticky Sweet Danish - A fellow curvaceous redhead, I love how many of her outfits combine cheerful and dark elements. She has such a great flair for both unique and classy style.
Allie McGevna - This girl's a bombshell. Enough said.
ummm so you look gorg with black hair as well! why yikes? lol
ReplyDeleteI would love to hear something from you (guitar). I have never eaten anything raw! lol Berlin looks divine. You silly willy. lol I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo afraid of sharks. I will not put one toe in the ocean or go on a cruise because I just know I will be that 1 in 1 million that gets eaten by a shark! LOL Kiah